Monday, June 02, 2008

No Insomnia Tonight!

I'm tuckered. Pooped, worn out. I've been busting my butt around the house, doing some projects outside, buying plants, transplanting stuff, ripping out part of the yard and reseeding it. It's a little after 10:00 and I just came in from working pretty much nonstop since around 7:00, besides a lot of stuff earlier in the day. I got out and about so early that Diane, my likable crotchety cancer-fighting neighbor commented me to me that I was sure up early. She likes giving me grief, and anytime I'm in the middle of the project she likes to come out and exclaim, "I can't believe it! Look at you working!" I play along and tell her it's a miracle, and she agrees wholeheartedly.

It feels good to be tackling some projects around the house. I've still got to clean out the garden and get that planted this week, and hopefully I'll have all of my weeding and mulching done around the house this week as well. Then, it's the bathroom...and then the kitchen.

It's nice to have six weeks off!

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