I got a serious thumb's up on the new cake from two willing tasters. For those who don't know these adorable cuties, Ren, Dave and Torey's daughter, is on the left and Eden, Paul and Alison's daughter, is on the right.
This cake turned out well after the first go around, which is a relief. It's in the can, decoration included. It's got a white chocolate ganache on top, studded with some blackberries. I went with yellow food coloring, which I'm loath to use, but I figured it would have fit in well with the entries from last year. It's tasty, moist and delicious.
As for Eden's part, she thought that the candy mustard was the best part of the cake.
I think this will be my official picture. They apparently want a picture of the cake pan included this time around. The only thing I might do differently is to bake another one, with a cut piece in a close up to show that the insides of the cake are purple. I've also thought this could be turned into a Valentine's Day cake, becoming a purple rose, with blackberries surrounding it and a purple/blackberry glaze drizzled all around the rose. If I have time, I may give that a whirl too. Alison and Torey, since you've seen it...what do you think?
I think my dining room table and wall work well for cake pictures, fwiw.
Though I suspect I should take some pictures in some other rooms in the house, in case someone gets to tossing any that look like they come from the same place.
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