Sunday, March 11, 2007

Looks like I'm back in the saddle

I've spent much of the day today bopping around the web, and looking through the Mars Hill website, trying to get a bigger picture of what this church is all about.

To sum up, I'm excited by what God is doing in and through this church. And that's saying something, because I've been terribly apathetic about church for probably the past ten years. As I was reading more about the church, and listening to one of Rob Bell's podcasts where he outlines new initiatives and goals for Mars Hill, I found myself becoming passionate about the ideas he and his team were presenting.

A phrase that someone somewhere once uttered keeps running through my head, "we need to be about the business of heaven," alongside C.S. Lewis's comments about the fact that our desires are far too weak. I'm finding new desires being born in me as I hear what Mars Hill is about. I'm getting fired up about it, and that's a good thing--a rebirth of sorts for me. And maybe that's one of the best reasons to be involved in a church. It keeps you accountable to the message of the gospel. What the hell have I been doing with my life anyway?

That's a good question to be asking.

Now here's a new thing: I'm really looking forward to church next week.

Oh, and Alison...thank Lydia for her prayers, will you?


Unknown said...

That calls for a celebratory drink in your honor, Dan. Too bad you're not here, or that I'm not there.

Dan said...

I'll drink with ya from afar!