Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Braggin' on a friend...

I just got home from a Pilates class that Torey teaches. She's been working with me one on one at her place--I'm hoping I'll be a poster child of Pilates, but we'll see. She thought it would be great if I did a mat class along with the exercise equipment work she does with me, so I joined her in a class she started teaching this week.

The class meets at the YWCA, and I must admit I felt a little sheepish as I walked into the building, but once the class got going, everyone was just paying attention to trying to get their body to move in the right way.

I've never seen Torey in her role as a teacher, other than doing her one on one sessions with me. There's something about seeing my friends do what they are called to do that makes me very happy! We don't often see our friends or family do what "they do," and to see someone doing what they are passionate about is exciting.

Torey, you're great at what you do, and I could sense the members in the class appreciating your down to earth realness, making them feel OK to look dorky. Because of that realness, and the fact that you're able to show how well Pilates works, I think you're going to have great success. As I sat there watching you teach, I gotta admit I felt proud of you!


Alison Hodgson said...

Isn't she good! I'm proud of her too.

Anonymous said...

aaaaawwww.........Thank you Dan.