Saturday, December 08, 2007

Rants from a Music Snob

Ok, so I set up a Christmas channel on Pandora. Up popped Amy Grant's Christmas album. The first tune was OK, then it sent me a tune that featured an orchestral opening ripped off from Handel's Messiah. Blech. The orchestra sounds like my heiny. The strings can't seem to play together, the woodwinds aren't in tune, the trombones seem not to know how to play together and the lead trumpet sounds like he's playing on a kazoo. Then Amy Grant comes in with a voice that sounds like she's been smoking six packs a day, and the choir sounds like they're singing in a sweaty locker room with the funky reverb the tech guy put on it. Plus, they sound like they're sight reading it.

Blech. Avoid that at all costs. It's really, really, really bad.

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